ADA / Accessible Guest Room Features

  • Wheelchair Accessible
  • Service Animals Allowed
  • Accessible Power Outlets
  • Closed Captioning Television
  • Telephone with Visual Call Alert – Free Portable Equipment Provided by Hotel
  • Wheelchair Accessible Route in Room
  • Roll-In Shower Has A Securely Fastened Folding Seat
  • Accessible Guest Room Is ADA Compliant
  • ADA Guest Room Bathroom Has Clear Floor Space And Is Slip-Resistant
  • ADA Guest Room Bathroom Door And Other Hardware Are Easily Operable With One Hand
  • ADA Guest Room Toilet And Shower Are Equipped With Grab Bars
  • Bathroom Is ADA Compliant
  • Hearing impaired light alerts - Free portable equipment provided by Hotel
  • Communication Kits available with TTY Machine, Strobe Light, & Visual Door Knocker

ADA / Accessible Guest Room Features

  • Grab Bars in Shower with a Shower Seat
  • Low Level Towel Hooks and Racks
  • Lower Mirrors
  • Removable Shower Head
  • Roll-In Shower
  • Shower Seat
  • Raised Toilet Seat with Grab Bars

NOTE: If you have any specific need or if you are looking for some detail information about our ADA facility please feel free to call us 405-603-1104